Theme layouts

The views slideshow ddblock module is supplemented with 6 free example themes at the moment.

The 6 free themes give examples of the possible pagers.

Example themes

  • upright10 - with number pager
  • upright20 - with prev/next pager
  • upright30 - with text pager
  • upright40 - with image pager
  • upright50 - with text/image pager
  • upright60 - with scrollable pager

Theme extensions

When themes have an extension, this means:

  • p - the theme has a portrait layout
  • l - the theme has a landscape layout
  • B - the theme is a basic theme
  • S - the theme has source image and stylesheet width for 460, 700 and 940 slideshow width

Settings for themes

  • Vertical or horizontal layout
  • Configurable slide and slidetext effects
  • Slide text configurable at top, left, bottom or right side depending on layout
  • Pager configurable on top, bottom, left and right depending on layout
  • Number pager, prev/next pager, text pager, image pager or image/text pager, scrollable pager to select slides
  • Extra prev/next pager in a seperate pager and/or on the slides

Create custom themes

You can develop your own lay-outs for the views slideshow ddblock module. Same as with the ddblock module we will create a tutorial page what steps to follow to create your own custom theme.

Commercial themes

With the commercial themes you have a wide range of layouts to choose from for your slideshow. These theme lay-outs are flexible and thoroughly tested in IE 7, Firefox 2, Firefox 3, Safari 3.1, Opera 9.5 and Chrome. Also IE6 is supported (although there are some extra steps which have to be done and there are workarounds for translucency). Commercial themes can be found at:

Theme requests

We welcome requests for other theme layouts.
You can make a request by sending us your requirements on the Contact form at Please be as detailed as possible.

We will periodically release new commercial themes.

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